.: 10 second overview: the terminal23 mixer
1 part noc
1 part soc
1 part sysadmin (or netadmin)
1 part user
1 part curiosity
1 part rant
1 part hacking
1 part security
1 part me
1 part soc
1 part sysadmin (or netadmin)
1 part user
1 part curiosity
1 part rant
1 part hacking
1 part security
1 part me
.: brief history
I stood up my first website in late 1996, but it probably wasn’t until around 1997/1998 that I actually stood up what is now called a blog. Originally, I posted only personal stuff, but eventually found I was posting most often about IT/security and general geekery. Around 2001 my blog was pretty much devoted to IT/security, and I split the technical stuff off to its own section to keep subjects separate. Around 12/2006, I finally branded the blog with a new domain: terminal23.net, where I’ve been living ever since. I self-hosted from 2001-2016 and then moved into a true hosted provider. The personal blog has pretty much gone away as the Internet landscape has moved to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter for such uses, but my technical blog has continued pretty regularly.
.: what to expect here?
Expect me to post thoughts about IT and security. I may also talk about tools and processes that I go through such as a server upgrades, software installs, rants, and raves about different technologies. I will also link to other posts and sites both to give my own personal reply and document it for my own personal re-reference in the unknown future. And expect a personal slant to most everything since I am not looking for popularity. This is here for me to have fun and be an outlet and a resource for me in my travels through life as an IT/Security professional. This helps me organize my thoughts into tangible manifestations. Or just act as a cathartic release, as it were. This site is an outlet for me to post about networking, security, hacking, and running my own systems at home and work. The geek side of a geek.