A couple new books have been spotted in the wild! I ordered Security Power Tools last week from Bookpool. It should be arriving today or tomorrow! Yeah, I have books dealing with open source security tools like Nessus and the like. But I like the hands-on practical look that this book appears to include. I thumbed through it at the store this weekend and was surprised at the detail and also how thick the book is! I’m not sure I’ve seen an O’Reilly book this thick before. I love books like these, since I do believe someday the back will be broken in IT + security where spending more money on ever-spendy tools and appliances will not be an option, but we’ll still need to Get Shit Done. Open source and other freer tools are still going to be the future reality for most of us. Books like Special Ops, Hack Attacks, and Hack I.T. are mere blitzes compared to more indept information on using tools.
I also want to find and pick up Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing, Exploit Development, and Vulnerability Research. This will be kickstarting my dive into Metasploit 3, since I’ve put off that transition for too long now, and is a book I’ve been anticipating for some time. I checked around yesterday, but the local stores didn’t have copies available. Since Bookpool is susprisingly not discounting this, I may as well pick it up at the store!