the passing on of steve jobs

This is just a personal placeholder to note that Steve Jobs passed away 2 days ago on 10/5/11. The reality has been that, God willing, he was going to pass away before me no matter what (as will many other luminaries from my lifetime, as I get older), but it’s still a sad time to see such a successful influencer no longer with us. Even as I dislike most of the Apple products in principle, there’s no denying the success and vision and inspiration of Steve Jobs.

Just as an illustration of how news travels in this new age, I happened to be playing World of Warcraft at the time, and saw mention in my guild about the event. I windowed out to check, saw no updates, so went back into game for a bit, not really sure if that was yet another joke or not. About 15 minutes later, I checked again and saw the actual update on CNN and then noticed my Twitter feed start to light up. I still feel pretty connected, even if I haven’t watched national/local news television spots in 7+ years, don’t read the traditional newspaper, and really don’t listen to local radio but for 15 minutes in the mornings. I’m certainly not a young’in, but at least I’ve got my toes in the technology of today (even if I abhor MySpace Facebook). Granted, if there’s anything I miss, though, it’ll be some local issue…