Terminal23.net is back up and running! I’ve been absent for a few years due to life and a hardware failure. For years, I ran my site off a system sitting in the corner of my office, but its motherboard decided to finally die out. Life went by pretty quickly, but recently I got the itch to bring this site back up. I picked up a new motherboard and exported all of my contents into a proper format to move back up to a new hosting provider and into WordPress.
This is my first foray into WordPress, so I’ll be playing with the themes/appearance for a while here, and also doing some reviews of my old content to see what needs fixing. But, I have to say the export from MovableType3 into WordPress went far smoother than I had expected. The appearance is a different story. The current layout and theme settings are pretty close to my old site, but not quite close enough to my liking. Still, I’ll take what I can get in the short term here! The colors and general layout work for now. Maybe I’ll just code my own templates like I did previously…
The past 2 years have easily been my largest gap in blogging and having a web presence of my own since 1996. (I don’t count FaceBook or other smaller services.) A lot has changed, and yet a lot remains the same. Perhaps I’ll go into more detail as I decide where I want terminal23 to go or if I want to slice off a more personal blog or FaceBook presence off to the side.
I made terminal23.net for 3 primary reasons. First, I wanted to organize my own thoughts on security in a place that I could reference in the future, either to recall a tool, a script snippet, or just dump out some thoughts going through my head. Second, I wanted a curated place I could consume my favorite links that I found useful, from other blogs to web resources in the security world. Third, I wanted all of this to be viewable by any curious persons, especially those looking to see if I know anything about security and want to employ my services.
Looking back, I have 1724 published posts on this site dating back to 8/9/2004. Probably 98% of those posts are dealing with IT security to some extent or other, from tools to new scripts to commentary in general. During much of that time I had a more personal blog with 268 posts since 10/05/2001. And even older than that, had a site presence of some sort since 1997/1996, though anything from those probably only exist on a floppy in some box somewhere.
At the time of my site going down, I had a listing of over 469 other security blogs, news sites, tools, and various resources. I do plan to bring those back, but they will take more time to check and port back in.