I’m obviously catching up on some blogs on a rather nicely lazy Friday. Over at Teneble, they have a repost of Marcus Ranum’s recent keynote at SOURCE Boston, Anatomy of The Security Disaster. This is a long read, but exceedingly well worth it. I apologize for not looking too hard for a posted video.
So, what’s going on? We’ve finally managed to get security on the road-map for many major organizations, thanks to initiatives like PCI and some of the government IT audit standards. But is that true? Was it PCI that got security its current place at the table, or was it Heartland Data, ChoicePoint, TJX, and the Social Security Administration? This is a serious, and important, question because the answer tells us a lot about whether or not the effort is ultimately going to be successful. If we are fixing things only in response to failure, we can look forward to an unending litany of failures, whereas if we are improving things in advance of problems, we are building an infrastructure that is designed to last beyond our immediate needs.