People often ask me how I like my Razr phone. I tell them it’d be a really nice phone…if I wasn’t on Verizon. Yes, Verizon is well known for crippling their Razr’s to the point where I really do only use it for phone calls and the occassional text message. In the past I have done minor adjustments like getting my own ringtones on the phone (text yourself a .wav file renamed to .mp3 and it will let it through, and play it as a .wav file properly) I’ve never delved too deeply into messing with it, being my first personally-owned cell phone. John Ward over at The Digital Voice has posted an awesome article about hacking the Razr, and he suffered from the same crippling issues from Verizon that I do. Since my contract is quite mature now and I’m more comfortable with pushing the line on my phone, I think I will make a note to try this stuff out. He’s truly right that if I can unlock all this stuff in the article, the phone will take on a whole new level of use in my life. Funny how Verizon doesn’t get that…